On Purpose Women Global Community (OPWGC.com)
Have you experienced trauma? I recommend watching this interview with Elizabeth Papp-Stinson. She is a light in the world... an inspiring woman who has recovered from childhood experiences of trauma... an author and a coach. Enjoy this interview and her message of hope. Tune into this interview on the Real Women. Real Purpose. Talk Show where Kathryn Yarborough is interviewing Elizabeth Papp-Stinson. #RealWomenRealPurpose demy.com. Join her Facebook group at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Movin...
About Elizabeth Papp-Stinson:
Elizabeth Papp-Stinson grew up in a family of 10 children with an alcoholic father and a mother raising her children without support and dealing with her own mental instability issues. Elizabeth went through some deep soul-searching Transpersonal therapy for several years which helped her let go of a lot of childhood baggage and gave birth to her current book “My Childhood: Getting Over It.“ She became a certified life coach and is passionate about helping people heal from their childhood wounds. www.mychildhoodgettingoverit.com About Kathryn Yarborough: In addition to being the global facilitator of the On Purpose Woman Global Community (www.OPWGC.com), Kathryn Yarborough is the creator of the Manifesting Clients Academy, an inspirational speaker, and the author of Keep Moving Forward: A Guide for the On Purpose Solopreneur. Kathryn teaches heart-based, on purpose solopreneurs how to unleash their light on Facebook, manifest clients, and a grow business they love. Her website is www.ManifestingClientsAca